
Praise for Animals Strike Curious Poses

New York Times
Book Review
by Helen Macdonald

"I’ve spent decades reading books on the roles animals play in human cultures, but none have ever made me think, and feel, as much as this one. It’s a devastating meditation on our relationship to the natural world. It might be the best book on animals I’ve ever read. It’s also the only one that’s made me laugh out loud."
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Publishers Weekly
(Starred Review)

"Passarello’s keen wit is on display throughout as she raises questions about the uniqueness of humans. Perhaps the most stunning work is her bricolage timeline of murderous elephants in America, which aligns their crimes and executions with the rise of electricity and capital punishment. The entire collection satisfies through a feast of surprising juxtapositions and gorgeous prose."   
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(starred review)

"Passarello treats her subjects with dexterous care, weaving narratives together in a way that investigates, honors, and complicates her subjects. "
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Praise for Let Me Clear My Throat

Publishers weekly

"In this funny, visceral collection of essays, Passarello explores the ways our voices can entertain us, connect us, ruin us, vent our pains, and tether us to a place or tradition."
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